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Second mortgages can be helpful for those clients looking to refinance but currently have a low rate First mortgage. It may make more sense to look into a 2nd mortgage so the clients can retain their low rate First and also avoid a payout penalty.

1.       Some A lenders can allow their current clients to apply the second mortgage if they can qualify the GDS/TDS and the LTV is up to 80% for the first and second mortgage.

2.       Some A lenders allow other lenders’ clients to apply the second mortgage, for example if your first mortgage is under RBC, and you want to apply the second mortgage. If you can qualify the GDS/TDS and the LTV is up to 80%, some A lenders will accept your application.

3.       Some B lenders allow the clients to apply the second mortgage no matter which the A lender or B lender of your first mortgage. If you can qualify the GDS/TDS, I can choose the best lender for you.

Second Mortgage(二次抵押贷款)

对于近期想要融资的客户,可以考虑二次抵押贷款(Second Mortgage),即可以保持第一抵押贷款的低利率,同时又可以避免支付罚款。

今天主要是针对A lender或者B lender的二次抵押贷款,是需要收入满足GDS/TDS的情况下申请的Second Mortgage,而不是私贷的二次抵押贷款。

1.       有的A lender可以申请第二抵押贷款,但第一抵押贷款必须是同一个lender,最高贷款额度是80%。例如,客户年收入15万,第一抵押贷款额为60万,月供为2700,想要再重现二次抵押贷款30万,在满足GDS/TDS=39%/44%情况下,可以在同一个lender下申请Second Mortgage

2.       有的A lender可以把第二抵押贷款放在5大行后面及一些其他的A lender,最高贷款额度是80%,也是需要在满足GDS/TDS=39%/44%情况下,可以申请加在不同A lender后面的Second Mortgage

3.       有的B lender可以申请第二抵押贷款,无论第一抵押贷款放在A lender还是B lender上面。贷款额度需要看每个lender的要求,当然需要有收入支持,满足一定的GDS/TDS(每家B lender要求的比率不一样),才可以申请Second Mortgage

费用及利率:A lender申请的二次抵押贷款不需要额外的费用,利率现阶段在P+1左右;但是B lender需要收取一定的lender fee,利率现阶段在8%左右。xt here...